review: Strawberry Fields
(The backlog keeps growing but I'm skipping ahead to a cereal review because I wanted to get one in this month.) Strawberry Fields is the Kashi equivalent to Special K Red Berries, the main difference being more grains in your flakes (rice plus red wheat). I thought I'd try it because I really liked the multigrains in Raisin Vineyard but I have to say, the quinoa in Raisin Vineyard adds a little something. It's a little lighter and crispier, I think. That red wheat can get really crunchy, so I prefer the contrast in textures. Not that Strawberry Fields is bad, mind you. The freeze-dried strawberries had a really intense berry flavor--I don't know if they were super-ripe to begin with or perhaps it's the combination of strawberries and raspberries. To be honest, though, I didn't even notice the raspberries. I was in a hurry last week when I opened that box; I'll try to be more observant next time.