review: Kashi -- Autumn Wheat
I really only bought this to serve as a neutral base for the new Frosted Shredded Wheat flavors, but if you like plain cereals, have at it. I should clarify: there's actually a little bit of cane sugar in there--I was surprised and did not expect to taste any sweetness. But it's not that much, so it serves my purpose as a mixer. If you've ever had any of the other Kashi wheat biscuit options, you know what you're in for. ********* And since that wasn't much of a review, here's a bonus review: *limited edition* Cocoa Puffs Ice Cream Scoops . Since this wasn't actually my box I didn't have a bowl, just a taste. And it tasted...the same? I honestly could not tell the difference between chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. They all tasted like a powdery, vaguely vanilla...thing. But, you know, small sample size and all. Maybe if the cocoa part of the puffs had a stronger cocoa flavor, that might've helped? I don't know. Slice some bananas on ther...