
(I really debated how to spell the title of this post. As a former English major, misspellings really bug me but I wanted the pronunciation to come across. And you know I'm not really a stickler for grammar here so...I guess everything balances out?)

So how was your holiday? Mine was superhero-rrific and berry-tacular. Meaning I finally saw Wonder Woman and made these Healthy Blueberry Muffins. My brother is visiting and one of his favorite things ever is blueberry muffins. Especially uncomplicated blueberry muffins. No crumb toppings. No hidden jelly fillings. The oats in these get a pass because you don't really notice them.
I was able to try out my new muffin tin and these slid right out. And just so you know, Erin's storage method also works great. No sweaty muffins or gummy texture.

But now on to the pie. I'm sure that's what you're here for. Last week I realized I had a pie crust in the freezer that needed to be used and an occasion for baking a pie. Convenient! Since we didn't host anybody this year I had simply put the idea of a special dessert out of my mind. Then I realized, oh, wait, we like pie. And further thought: I wonder if there's any apple-berry pies out there. Of course there are: Appleberry pie. And here's mine:
If I hadn't already had a pie crust I would've made the one in the recipe. The idea of partially frozen olive oil is intriguing.

And I don't know if you can tell from this picture but I tried to freehand a fireworks design in the center instead of regular slits.
Two things: I should've cut deeper with my knife and also the berry juices didn't leak through like I expected. And nobody noticed anyway. Except my brother, who watched me do it and suggested I just write "PIE" in the middle.

Nah, I think my pies speak for themselves.😉


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