review: *new* Multi Grain Cheerios with Real Strawberries

 It's Multi Grain Cheerios...with strawberries. [insert sarcastic "mind-blown" emoji here]

Seriously, though, it's nice to have truth in advertising sometimes. There's your Multi Grain Cheerios, and there's your strawberries. If those are your expectations, then expectations met.

The first thing I noticed was the amount of strawberries. Then I actually opened the bag. Oh, they're diced strawberries. I was disappointed for about a second--I thought it would be strawberry slices--but then I realized it made more sense to have strawberry pieces about the same size as the Os. Also you get a better ratio of berries to cereal bits.

Then I tasted. The different Cheerios all tasted like their usual selves--no weird artificial strawberry powder here. And the strawberries tasted like strawberries. No amped up flavor or sweetness.

So this is what I mean by the components of the cereal being exactly what they're supposed to be. Not a disappointment or a criticism. In fact, I had some more this morning. 😋 I never eat the same thing two days in a row!


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