new cookie logic

For years I've been reluctant to try a cookie recipe found on the back of a cake mix box. Cookies...out of a cake mix? Highly illogical. But then I found myself volunteered to make cookies (although it was for a good cause) and I needed to make something quick. I noticed this recipe for Butterscotch Spice Cookies when I made my birthday cake last month and I thought it fit the bill last week. Of course I kept some of the finished product for myself. The results were...interesting. For some reason the cookies stuck to one of my cookie sheets but not the other one. Naturally I wasn't sending out broken cookies! I also added raisins to half the batter, which was easier to separate than I anticipated. They weren't necessary but they didn't take anything away from the overall flavor, either. Maybe a pecan or walnut would add more to these cookies.

To sum up: not bad, but I still think I'd only make these kinds of cookies in another pressed-for-time kind of situation.


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