review: Special K -- Banana & Creme

Yeah, the next new Special K is already out and I'm just now reviewing last year's 😜


There's three elements to this cereal that I had to sample: first, the "&creme," 'yogurty' coated oat clusters. Special K has already done this in a berry-and-yogurt cereal. In this case the clusters were a decent size, not little oat scraps, and the coating was thicker than I expected. It also tasted like that artificial 'banana' flavor. If you've ever had anything banana-flavored, you know what I'm talking about.

Second, the banana pieces. They're like chips of banana chips. And thankfully crunchy (nobody wants a chewy banana, right?). And somehow also tasting of 'banana.'

Finally, the flakes, a wheat-and-rice combo that most Special K varieties use as their base these days. Typical flake, nothing innovative here. Also tasting of 'banana.' I know it sounds awfully critical, but actually this is my favorite new cereal of the year (keep in mind I wrote this last July!). If I can get my hands on a box of the Strawberries & Creme, I'll be sure to review that too. (Update: I did and I will😉)


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