review: *new* Fiber One Protein -- cranberry almond

I didn't realize I was going to open this today; I ran out of granola and had to mix something together. The first thing I noticed was the texture: there's a lot of puffy pieces mixed with what I would consider "regular" granola. It's like they were aiming for Ancient Grains granola but erred on the side of Honey Smacks (which, by the way, I didn't eat as a kid. We were strictly a Golden Crisp family). Anyway, the next step was to taste a cluster, which went from slightly medicinal all the way back over to sweet. I was concerned but it really didn't come across in the yogurt. Still, I don't think I'll be eating a whole bowl with milk. Also, I don't recall seeing too many almonds; they're probably all in the bottom of the box.

Also, I have to send Fiber One Caramel Delight to the cereal graveyard. This makes me sad. It was the best! When you think "fiber" wouldn't you rather think, "oh, yay, not a dry flake cereal" instead of "these--these are all flake cereals?" Good thing I've branched out to Kashi.


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