review: *new* Honey Bunches of Oats Morning Energy -- cinnamon crunch

I was worried Morning Energy would have me all over the place because what I really needed yesterday was focus, not energy. It happened to be banana day so I just sprinkled a little over my Peanut Butter Cheerios for a taste. The first thing I noticed were the nice-sized clusters. I mean, really, they earned the term "cluster." Then I tried one and realized they were pretty much cinnamon Just Bunches transferred to a new cereal. Not that I'm complaining. The cereal itself had that funny puffed-grain aftertaste like the new Fiber One Protein; I have no idea what that is--the barley? The wheat germ? Then I bothered to read the back of the box, which said the combination of protein, whole grains, and fiber gives you energy. So no weird stuff. And I'd always wondered why eating various raisin brans make me feel like I'm about to explode.

I felt the restless energy kick in roughly two hours later. Nothing crazy; I just needed to be active for a while. So I would recommend this but I'll be mixing it with other cereals. Don't want to overdo it.


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