review: *new* Annie's Frosted Oat Flakes

I can't do regular Frosted Flakes anymore. Haven't for years. The sugar is just...too much. So I never thought much about finding an alternative. I just moved on. And then Annie's had to go and get into the cereal racket. Well, I guess since it says "oat..."

Yeah, I can justify just about anything. But as for this cereal, after I poured some I thought, is this really 'frosted?' Because it doesn't look frosted. I tried to think back to the look of Frosted Flakes and these are definitely not as frosted-looking. This is not a complaint, though; you know I don't want all that sugar. I just wonder if there's cereal-labeling rules that define what can be called 'frosted.' (I can't help it--being a writer/word-nerd I get hung up on semantics.)

So if you're looking for this to look like an oat version of Frosted Flakes, don't. But taste-wise, it's pretty good. If you like whole grain flakes with just enough sweetness, you won't be disappointed.


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