calling all apricots

...Somehow they end up in healthy muffins.
(I know they don't look like much, but all the apricot goodness is inside.)

So I have this jar of wheat germ I'm determined not to waste, and I also happened to have this recipe for Apricot-Wheat Germ muffinsAnd some buttermilk I needed to finish. Sometimes these meals just plan themselves.

Now you may ask, another healthy apricot muffin? Ugh, what's the point? Well, buttermilk is the point. Dried apricots plumped in orange juice is the point. And if not those points then a cakey-but-moist, tender and fluffy muffin will win you over.

Fluffy muffin. Try saying that three times fast.

Seriously, though, it's the kind of muffin you'll want to keep eating. Flavor-wise and texture, too. But pace yourself. They're also filling.


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