pumpkin redux

Are we really doing this again? It's almost February!

Well, I did. Also, wow, it's cold. Why not warm yourself with a hot beverage of choice and a Pumpkin Banana Biscotti with Maple Syrup Glaze? This is what happens when you have leftover pumpkin and a banana in the freezer. Baking magic. Oh, and just enough maple syrup to glaze one batch of biscotti (I froze the other half). I will note that the texture of this biscotti starts crisp and ends chewy. Don't worry, they didn't go stale overnight--that's just the banana moisture. And maybe also the pumpkin, but I know I've made firmer pumpkin biscotti.

That's not a knock on this biscotti by any means. I don't think I've made one yet that I didn't like. 😁

Or, hey, maybe you're more of a coffeecake person. I also made this Pumpkin Streusel Coffeecake over the weekend, mainly because it called for a cup of pumpkin. The cake itself was moist and tender and pretty much perfect. You know I can be picky about texture. The streusel was...interesting. I think I just had Grape Nuts for the first time ever. Now I have to figure out what to do with the rest of them. I will report back. 😉


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