review: *new* Cheerios Oat Crunch -- Oats 'N Honey

When you were a kid, did you ever wish you could pour yourself a bowl of Crunch N Munch with milk for breakfast? Well, you're in luck, because now you can. And I mean that in a good way.

(By the way, what's with the apostrophe placement? I would've put it after the N. Or maybe on both sides.)

Anyway, this cereal. Of course any Cheerios variety that starts with MultiGrain Cheerios as the base is already plus one in my grade book. But then you add the honey flavor and use it to plaster individual oats to each O and give it a satisfying crunch? Come on. That's not right. I mean it is right, but how dare you sneak in here with my new favorite cereal of 2019, General Mills? 😄

I don't remember what I said about the original cinnamon flavor (just checked: wasn't overwhelmed or underwhelmed, more just...whelmed) but this? This is a must try. 👍

Hope you're enjoying your respective holidays!


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