review: *new* Kashi by Kids -- Berry Super Loops

 I keep getting the name order wrong. What makes Kashi's new loops so super? Is it the peas and lentils? The natural coloring? Actually, you know what? Maybe it is supposed to be the peas and lentils. Remember when I reviewed Wegmans' bean based cereals? Well, Kashi decided to mix their pulses with corn and oats, which definitely does not have the weird bean aftertaste. So there's that.

This has a typical berry scent. The flavor reminded me of Berry Berry Kix, but in an O shape instead of puffs. Also maybe a bit more authentically "berry." The ingredients do list raspberry and strawberry powder. So there's also that.

Coincidentally, I just happened to read a list of Best Healthy Whole Grain (or something like that) Cereals from Good Housekeeping and this was on there. That was fast; it hasn't even been out that long. 

Oh, and there's also a chocolate version, if you're into that sort of thing. 😉


PSA: I'm seeing pumpkin spice cereals out already. Yeah, I guess this summer could hurry up and finish. 😛


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