review: Blueberry Wheatfuls

 Fun fact: I've never tried a Mom's Best cereal before.

Things have been crazy here for the last two weeks. At least cereal is a constant. But until I found a new product (which I actually did today) I had to try something. This here is the Mom's Best take on a shredded wheat-type cereal. Blueberry style.

They're not quite as tightly wound as Mini-Wheats; some shreds got caught in my throat. The flavoring on top of the biscuits (you'll remember each individual square is a "biscuit") looks like it was dripped in alternating globs of blueberry and white sugar. Even so, there was a surprising lack of blueberry flavor--it was mostly on the back end, practically swallowed.

So yeah, I prefer the way Mini-Wheats does it (that review is so old, by the way, that it has a different name!), but you don't know until you try. 😁

next up: something new!


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