review: Rachael Ray instant oatmeal -- maple drizzle

Were you aware that Rachael Ray sells her own brand of instant oatmeal? I wasn't, until a chance trip down the cereal aisle at Walmart a few weeks ago. I said to myself, hey, next time I'm in Walmart I should buy some of this. Which I did. And then I tried it yesterday.

First off, when I opened and poured the packet I was surprised to find flaxseeds in there. Lucky for me I like flaxseeds, but still, I should check the ingredients before purchasing next time. Second, it didn't get as creamy as I would've liked but I think that's due to the combination of grains: oats, wheat, barley and rye. Third, "maple drizzle" is a very appropriate name, because that's about the amount of maple flavor you get in every bite. Maybe that sounds kind of critical but I did like it, really. And for the rest of the morning I felt great, not sluggish at all. So I will probably try at least one other flavor this winter. Look for that.


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