review: Honey Bunches of Oats Tropical Blends -- mango coconut

Well, that title's a mouthful.

Like I said last week, I really wanted to open a new cereal. So I topped off the last of my Special K with this new product (which I will refer to as Tropical Blends for the rest of the entry). Upon opening the liner bag I immediately got a strong whiff of coconut. One for the plus column. Then I poured: oh, look, there really is a little bit of coconut in here. Then I tasted the individual components. Ok, coconut the flake must be mango. But the first two flakes I tried didn't taste like anything...

...Which may turn out to be a good thing. Once I put it all together I thought to myself, what is that medicinal taste? I think that's the mango. Upon reflection, I think that's actually an accurate re-creation of the flavor of mango, but combined with the coconut doesn't really work for me. I hate to say it needs to be sweeter but maybe it does. Or maybe coconut/pineapple would've worked better.

So, overall, not as good as the other Fruit Blends. This one'll be eaten only as a mixer.


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