still eating dinner...

No, I haven't abandoned the blog; it's just been a crazy week. So here's a successful dinner I made earlier this week: a garlic shrimp pasta that could have gone wrong in multiple ways. First, I hadn't touched shrimp since last November, when I made a dish that made me sick. Turns out I hadn't thawed the shrimp thoroughly. This was surprising; you'd think I'd never cooked with shrimp before (I have). So I was very careful with the shrimp this time.

Second, I do have a tendency to not use enough garlic. The particular garlic bulb that I used this time had weird giant cloves so I wasn't really sure how much I wanted to use. I admit, I could've used more but it still wasn't bland.

But it was tasty; even the leftovers were eaten this time. I guess I'll make this one again.

Next week I'm opening a new cereal. I just have a taste for something new.


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