a very late note (monster edition)

I've been meaning to mention this for weeks but just couldn't pick a post to tack this on the end: the return of the monster cereals. By now you probably know that Count Chocula, Boo Berry, and Franken Berry are Halloween-seasonal (stock up now!) but this year General Mills brought back Frute Brute and Yummy Mummy. I can see why they were discontinued in the first place--do you really need four fruity marshmallow cereals? Frute Brute was not before my time but before my functional memory; however, I vaguely remember Yummy Mummy. Either I wasn't interested in it back then or it was on the "Absolutely Not So Don't Even Ask" list; either way, I never tried it. If you want to try one in a retro-style package, though, they're now available at Target. I just saw them over the weekend.


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