
I tried to squeeze in one last treat before my brother leaves, so I went with ice cream sandwiches. He's not a big wait-for-it-to-thaw, scoop-it-yourself kind of guy but he will eat a portable ice cream dessert that doesn't involve any work on his part. I found these Ginger-Peach Ice Cream Sandwiches by accident but it is peach season, so I thought I'd try it. It's a two-step process: I did the ice cream part Wednesday and made the cookies yesterday. You could shortcut and buy peach ice cream but like I said, it's peach season...why pass up fresh?

The cookies are perfect for a ice cream sandwich--just the right size for me to eat a whole one (and not feel guilty) and not too sweet. The sweetness should be in the ice cream. I will say that I didn't really taste any of honey that the peaches were cooked in but it doesn't matter. It's that combination of peaches and ginger that lifts this to the category of extraordinary ice cream sandwich.


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