cookie two times

(I'm just going to wing this entry.) I was in the mood for oatmeal cookies--we're having a still-undetermined number of guests this weekend--and I found this recipe...last week, maybe? It's supposed to be a healthier version of Kitchen Sink Cookies. I ended up making them for a work party the other day and they don't make very much so I assumed I'd have to make them a second time. Luckily for me I had just enough apricots, chocolate chips (yes, a sub) and brown sugar and applesauce left.

I didn't add the nuts--you know I don't do nuts in my baked goods--and I didn't have any dried cherries on hand so I just added more chocolate and apricots. So maybe it's missing a little something but nobody needs to know. They're chewier than a regular chocolate chip or oatmeal cookie but not gummy and weird. And they're just as filling. Just double this recipe and serve it to a crowd already. Football season's coming up, you know.


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