
When I was a kid, my mom made a baked flounder dish that was swimming (no pun intended--really) in watery tomato sauce and and bits of cheese and we loved it. So when I found this recipe for Tilapia Pasta I thought, hey, let's upgrade this concept and bring it into the 21st century. Of course there were objections. I ignored them. Plus I was able to use fennel for the first time. You hear on cooking shows all the time how fennel has a licorice flavor, which I am not a fan of, so I held off on trying it. But I hoped in this dish maybe the tomato sauce would mask that flavor.

And I couldn't really taste the fennel in one bite--I had to try a piece on its own to really get an idea of the flavor. It wasn't terrible. I could eat it again. Definitely cooked, though. The raw fennel was waaay too strong for me.

This is a pasta dish I will absolutely make again sometime. I wouldn't make any changes to the recipe except I don't think it makes six servings realistically. Four at the most.

I know you're wondering when I'm getting back to breakfast. This week, at least twice.


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