in the time of dark meat

As a kid I always prefer the leg area of the chicken. Not sure why--maybe it was more moist? Or maybe it was because I didn't want to have to use a knife and fork on a chicken breast. These days I eat a lot more white meat (thanks, boneless chicken breasts!) but it seems dark meat has its benefits, too. So I sprung a new recipe on the family last night: Roasted Chicken with Apples. Now, my dad prefers breasts but will eat thighs as long as the meal is substantial and the chicken isn't falling-off-the-bone stew-y. It seems the secret to getting everyone to eat thighs is the sage. You put sage on just about anything, it tastes like Thanksgiving. I'll be adding this recipe to the "Safe to Make Again" pile. And eating leftovers for dinner tonight.


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