salmon redemption

I came to the realization this morning that I'm not a bad cook. I don't mean the opposite of a bad cook, but in a pat-on-the-back way, "Hey, not bad." I had this mini-epiphany because of last night's dinner, Corny Mango Salmon. I haven't made it in years because I didn't want to screw it up again, and the thought just compounded until the recipe became more difficult in my mind than it actually was.

It helped that I know my stove better, even with the new frying pans. If I were to follow the recipe as written, my salmon would be black on the outside and raw on the inside. Medium heat does the trick just fine, as long as the pan is thoroughly heated (I'm looking forward to trying out pancakes next weekend, but anyway...). The coating is browned and the salmon cooks on the inside. Twelve minutes, if you're wondering, was more to my liking.

I'm also better at chopping up mangoes now. Oh, and the Zucchini Hash was better than I remembered. I was very pleased, but not overly so. That's just not my style. But I did feel emboldened enough to try my hand at biscotti this morning (more on that later).

And I can't forget the leftovers. I flaked the rest of my salmon with the rest of the mango sauce, added a little mayo and some lettuce and had the best salmon salad sandwich ever.

I need to do more with mangoes.


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