the late soup

I don't usually make soup this time of year; it reminds me of winter and cold days and I just want to put that behind me for the next six months. But, you know, even April has its chills. So I've been catching up on some old issues of Everyday With Rachel Ray (a gift subscription) and decided to try this Very Veggie Soup with Parmesan Toasts. Yes, the whole recipe. I've never bought a ciabatta loaf before, just individual buns for sandwiches/burgers.

Somehow I totally forgot about the resident meat-eater. It'll be nice once I leave again (for good this time) to be able to eat meat or meatless whenever I feel like it. He had to have a sandwich along with the meal.

But anyway, I thought it was a good soup. And easy; that's pretty important. You leave the skin on the potatoes, buy your vegetables prepackaged, put it all together: super easy. I just finished the leftovers but forgot to add the pesto. Oh well. Vegetable stock has a surprising amount of flavor. I'm not sure exactly what goes in there.


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