review: *new*(-ish) Honey Bunches of Oats Whole Grain -- vanilla bunches

This is not an April Fool's prank: I actually have something to review today! I think this one's been sitting on the shelf for two months. I couldn't even remember if it was vanilla or honey-flavored. As it turns out, it could've been either one; the flavor just wasn't that remarkable. Also, it was entirely in the bunches. I don't know why that surprised me; it's right on the box--Vanilla Bunches. Not vanilla flakes. Speaking of which, Post somehow figured out how to slice a wheat/rice flake as thin as their regular flakes. They still have more texture, though. Like a multigrain Special K flake, but, you know, thinner.

It didn't exactly blow me away but, on the other hand, it's not really the kind of cereal that's supposed to do so.


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