gone bananas

In that I overdid it for Easter. But, you know, it's Easter. And I'm not even getting to that today. I still have three things from last week. First, these Banana Oatmeal Cookies. I'm always looking for a new spin on oatmeal cookies to send my brother for Easter or whatever occasion and I had a banana in the freezer. Ta-da. I already had this recipe printed out from quite a while ago so that just happened to work out.

The ingredients to these aren't that different from Quaker's classic Vanishing Oatmeal Cookies. Just add banana and nutmeg, basically. I cut a little bit of the white sugar--maybe 1/4 cup?--which gave the nutmeg more of a punch. But I like all those spices in my cookies. If you'd rather have yours sweeter, by all means use the full amount of sugar.

(Maybe by the end of the week I'll get to yesterday's goodness.)


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