review: *limited edition* Strawberry Cheerios

So I had no idea this existed. I just happened to be at Walmart buying bananas and cheese (as you do) when I saw this in a big main-aisle display with some other Cheerios. I actually said out loud, "Strawberry Cheerios?" Because, you know, it's been a few years since they stopped making Strawberry Yogurt Burst Cheerios. I guess someone at General Mills thought that flavor profile was lacking? Anyway, this is much better, in my opinion.

It looks like a pink-tinted Honey Nut Cheerios but not a weird artificial pink. It's a shade you'd expect from mixing oats with strawberry puree. And they're not too sweet either. It's just enough flavor to not taste weird when eaten with sliced banana, as I did.

Oh, and I also mixed it with Kashi's Heart to Heart Honey Toasted Oats just in case I didn't like it; on the back of this box it said this cereal had a new, crispier texture. This turned out to be true. It used to be more dry and gritty; now it's crispier and sweeter. Good upgrade.

You know who else loved breakfast? Prince. I kind of secretly wished I'd be invited over for pancakes someday. I'll be sure to pour out some maple syrup next week.


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