review: *limited edition* Pumpkin Spice Cheerios

So I opened it. I had to do it. And the first thing I was struck by was the shade of orange. It's not like artificial Cheetos orange but it's a very strong orange. Then I had to make sure I could smell the "pumpkin spices." Oh, and they're regular Cheerios, not those weird extra thick ones. I think they finally stopped making those.

What about the taste? It starts out as a good pumpkin pie-ish flavor but then the nutmeg and cloves hit hard in the aftertaste. But that didn't matter as I wasn't going to eat these straight out of the box again. Adding milk mellows them out. They also didn't clash with my banana slices. I would have preferred to have a smaller box but I can share the Family Size. They'll get eaten.


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