review: *new*(-ish) Kashi GoLean -- Vanilla Pepita

I never thought I'd try any flavor from Kashi's GoLean line because I'm allergic to those little soy bits. A few months ago I read about this new flavor and immediately dismissed it. GoLean? Not happening. I don't know why I was suddenly moved last week to check out the actual ingredients, but I was. And I did. And there was no soy in sight. No soy flakes. No soy grits. No soy protein isolate. Well, now I'm intrigued by all these non-traditional cereal ingredients.

I tasted each bit individually--or tried; the pea crisps were really too small to taste without getting a bite of something else. But I tried the red bean "flakes" first. Dried, smashed beans for breakfast? Weird. But it was really just a small, thick flake. Then I tried the popped sorghum, which looks and tastes just like a tiny piece of popcorn. Maybe even a vanilla Crunch N' Munch. Not like a bowl of popcorn with milk poured over it. No need to worry there.

And the pepitas: well, they're pumpkin seeds. Do I really need to explain pumpkin seeds?

You may have noticed a theme in this review: everything is tiny and scrap-y. I can't imagine eating a whole bowl of it--it might lose all structure in milk. I just sprinkled it as a topper for my banana and Honey Nut Cheerios this morning. It is good, though. I'll recommend it.


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