ginger is for lovers (of ginger)

My local newspaper prints excerpts from Meredith magazines including one full of pumpkin recipes. I forget the name of it, but the important thing is the name of this particular recipe: Honey-Glazed Pumpkin Banana Bread. I know, there's so much going on here, right? Honey. Glazed. Pumpkin. Banana. Any one of those components would be great in any recipe but all four combined? Must make.

The only reason I didn't make it right away was that it makes two loaves. And as much as I love pumpkin, I didn't need two loaves. So I had to wait for my brother to come home to give away some bread.

So I've made pumpkin bread before. And banana bread, of course. Naturally I assumed this would be super-extra moist. Actually it's more like perfectly moist. And maybe mine were a little brown around the edges but I always volunteer to eat the end pieces. As for flavor, the ginger comes across really strong, like you would expect from a banana bread. It almost overshadows everything, and makes me want more of a banana flavor. I'm glad I didn't use the crystallized ginger (no one in my family is as much of a ginger fan as I am) because that would've been too much for me.

I did make the honey glaze, though. Like most glazes, IMO, it's not really necessary but a nice addition.

Now I'm trying not to make anything else pumpkin-flavored 'til flavored. That might prove difficult, though.


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