review: *limited edition* Cinnamon Star Crunch

I hope everyone had a good Christmas, or whatever you celebrate, and good food. Including breakfast! I finally have time today to squeeze in this review. I opened my box of Cinnamon Star Crunch almost two weeks ago, but, you know, priorities. If your local grocery or big-box store is still trying to get rid of these, it wouldn't hurt to pick one up. Just be warned, they're not just star-shaped Cinnamon Toast Crunch, like I hoped. In fact, they are teensy little puffy stars, like someone took the stars out of Chicken and Stars soup, dehydrated them, and added cinnamon.

Now I'm not complaining about the flavor. Just the size. It's not something to fill a bowl. I'm a slow eater, so I'd end up with little bits of mush about halfway through. So I'll probably be sprinkling it on various other cereals for the next month. In fact, this might be a fun cereal for granolas or cookie recipes. There's an idea.


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