let's rewind--birthday cake

Or as I like to think of it, BIRTHDAY CAAAAKE (cue the flailing Muppet arms). I'm going to have to wing this entry because I didn't take notes. Like I said before, things were crazy that weekend.

I came across this recipe for Applesauce-Chocolate Chip Bundt Cake back in the summer and made up my mind right there and then that this would be my birthday cake. No changing my mind. Even if I found something better, or with pumpkin. I was looking for something different and cakes with chocolate chips are definitely different for me. I also was all for a cake made with applesauce. All the spices involved were a bonus. And the pepper (you can't really taste the pepper).

I didn't get a chance to take a picture--you'll just have to believe that my slices looked just like the ones in the recipe. The cake really does get that dark; I guess it's from the spices. So it's basically a chocolate-chip spice cake; for my birthday I had a little bit with some apple pie ice cream. Birthdays are the one time I eat ice cream and cake. The other times? Just cake. But not too much. I still only wanted a bit of chocolate per mouthful.


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