sneaky cookie

It was not my intention to do any more baking until the end of the month but I was kind of goaded (guilted?) into it. Fine, you want cookies? You're getting somewhat healthy cookies. I wanted to make something with no butter and with whatever I could scrounge up in the kitchen/fridge. So I made these Zucchini Applesauce Oatmeal Cookies. I had the applesauce; I always have oats. I even had a small zucchini! Most importantly, though, no butter or oil needed. Okay, so I wouldn't feel too bad about eating cookies in January.

And actually, they're pretty good. I've made cookies with applesauce before that were too much on the gummy side--I can live with chewy, gummy not so much. These have a bit more heft, probably from the oats. And all these ingredients are the same ones I like in my favorite zucchini bread. So a win-win for me. Now I'm trying to hold out 'til next month to make another biscotti.

You're probably wanting a cereal update. I'm still in the collecting phase: so far I only have the new Very Berry Cheerios. But I should have all of them this month.


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