
Showing posts from September, 2017

here comes the pumpkin

I promised I'd let you know what I did with the rest of the pumpkin leftover from the  cake . So here it is: first I made this  Pumpkin Granola . I know, I know, kind of expected but I was ready for some scratch granola. It's a bit on the chewy side but that's what happens when you work with pumpkin. Then I did something a bit more unexpected: I finally made a savory pumpkin recipe. Pumpkin, Sausage and Spinach Calzones . I realized after I took the picture that a hot, melty-cheesy calzone would've made for a more appealing image (than this leftover from the fridge) but at the time I really just wanted to eat 😛. And it was delicious. I've never worked with frozen pizza dough or made a calzone before but I will definitely do both again 😁!

review: *new* Shredded Wheat -- Frosted Cinnamon Roll

The second of three flavors to  try . I don't know exactly what Post is up to but they're definitely giving Frosted Mini-Wheats a run for their money. First, the sniff test; instead of the whole box I just sniffed one piece--it smelled like cinnamon sugar. Then I tasted it and got a hint of vanilla; just enough, not over- or underwhelming. I was afraid it would have a gooey vanilla frosting center so I was glad that wasn't the case. Needless to say (but I'll say it anyway) the cinnamon and vanilla flavors complemented each other nicely. I wouldn't exactly call it a cinnamon roll, but I'd still call it good. 😊

review: *new* Blueberry Chex

Yes, I finally got to this last weekend. 🙌 Sniff test first, as always: it took a few sniffs to get a hint of blueberry. As I poured I thought, why do we need this when there's already  Blueberry Toast Crunch ? (And then I forgot to taste the dry cereal!) Well, it turns out there's some differences. This is a blueberry-flavored Rice Chex. Toast Crunch has an oats and corn base. Also Blueberry Chex has molasses in the ingredients list and Blueberry Toast Crunch does not. That's basically it. Now does the molasses blunt the blueberry flavor? Because this is my only complaint. If you're looking for a gluten-free blueberry-flavored cereal, Blueberry Chex is one. If you're looking for a stronger blueberry flavor, go with the Blueberry Toast Crunch.

look, it's a cake

We interrupt your regularly scheduled cereal reviews (they're coming, honest!) to bring you this: Happy Wednesday. 🎉 Seriously, though, somehow it's already time to find another carrot cake for my dad's birthday. I didn't make one for Father's Day--I opted for  carrot cake waffles --so I kind of owed him a cake. This year, since I'm trying not to buy all the pumpkin products in existence (yes, including the cereals 😲) I thought I'd do one pumpkin thing and call it a day. Enter the  Carrot Pumpkin Bundt Cake . I don't like a lot of icing, dad loves carrot cake, we both love pumpkin...everybody's a winner. The important thing to remember is that pumpkin moistens your baked goods. I expected this, of course, but still not to the degree of scrumptiousness (yes, that's a word!) that resulted. Okay, maybe there was a little bit of buttermilk aftertaste but that can be rectified by getting a hit of icing in each bite. It was not a cake-br...

review: *new* Cascadian Farm -- Vanilla Chia Crunch

Finally! I'm back and eating cereal. Two new ones already. But let's start with the first one. So I'm a fan of Cascadian Farm cereals and granola. They're in the rotation. And I'm a fan of vanilla, chia seeds, and crunchy cereals. That makes this a no-brainer, right? Well... First I tried the "crunch," which is just small bits of their Oats and Honey granola. In hindsight I should've tried the flakes first because I think having that honey flavor hit my taste buds colored the following opinion. The flakes were dry and toasty--almost burnt--with the chia seeds baked in. I was expecting more of a nutty aftertaste like with flax seeds, but, you know, that's a totally different seed. What I didn't get was any vanilla flavor. I thought maybe it's just really, really subtle but looking at the ingredients list I don't even see vanilla 😕. Is that the "natural" flavor? I really wanted more vanilla. Capital V Vanilla. But not so...