review: *new* Blueberry Chex

Yes, I finally got to this last weekend. 🙌 Sniff test first, as always: it took a few sniffs to get a hint of blueberry. As I poured I thought, why do we need this when there's already Blueberry Toast Crunch? (And then I forgot to taste the dry cereal!) Well, it turns out there's some differences. This is a blueberry-flavored Rice Chex. Toast Crunch has an oats and corn base. Also Blueberry Chex has molasses in the ingredients list and Blueberry Toast Crunch does not. That's basically it. Now does the molasses blunt the blueberry flavor? Because this is my only complaint.

If you're looking for a gluten-free blueberry-flavored cereal, Blueberry Chex is one. If you're looking for a stronger blueberry flavor, go with the Blueberry Toast Crunch.


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