look, it's a cake

We interrupt your regularly scheduled cereal reviews (they're coming, honest!) to bring you this:

Happy Wednesday. 🎉

Seriously, though, somehow it's already time to find another carrot cake for my dad's birthday. I didn't make one for Father's Day--I opted for carrot cake waffles--so I kind of owed him a cake. This year, since I'm trying not to buy all the pumpkin products in existence (yes, including the cereals 😲) I thought I'd do one pumpkin thing and call it a day. Enter the Carrot Pumpkin Bundt Cake. I don't like a lot of icing, dad loves carrot cake, we both love pumpkin...everybody's a winner. The important thing to remember is that pumpkin moistens your baked goods. I expected this, of course, but still not to the degree of scrumptiousness (yes, that's a word!) that resulted. Okay, maybe there was a little bit of buttermilk aftertaste but that can be rectified by getting a hit of icing in each bite. It was not a cake-breaker.

And, yeah, I did have leftover pumpkin to use up. Maybe I'll get around to sharing those recipes, too.


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