review: *new* Cascadian Farm -- Vanilla Chia Crunch

Finally! I'm back and eating cereal. Two new ones already. But let's start with the first one.

So I'm a fan of Cascadian Farm cereals and granola. They're in the rotation. And I'm a fan of vanilla, chia seeds, and crunchy cereals. That makes this a no-brainer, right? Well...

First I tried the "crunch," which is just small bits of their Oats and Honey granola. In hindsight I should've tried the flakes first because I think having that honey flavor hit my taste buds colored the following opinion. The flakes were dry and toasty--almost burnt--with the chia seeds baked in. I was expecting more of a nutty aftertaste like with flax seeds, but, you know, that's a totally different seed. What I didn't get was any vanilla flavor. I thought maybe it's just really, really subtle but looking at the ingredients list I don't even see vanilla 😕. Is that the "natural" flavor? I really wanted more vanilla. Capital V Vanilla. But not so much that it clashes with the honey. As it is, it's more of a Bland Chia Crunch. The one saving grace was the fresh strawberries I had on top. Berries make everything take a backseat to berry-ness.


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