Super Snow-l Sunday

Well, that's kind of a misnomer. It's not that bad. Maybe a couple of inches, turning to rain later. But it does encourage me to sit down and blog about something, anything. So I wanted to quickly write up what I made this morning: Biscuit Cinnamon Rolls. If you're pretty good at making biscuits (which I am after two-ish years) and love cinnamon rolls, it's a no-brainer. Also, sometimes you just don't feel like being bothered with all the work that goes into regular cinnamon rolls.

What I appreciate about Erin's baking recipes is that her measurements are precise and usually correct. Three tablespoons of melted butter? Yep, used it all, no more, no less. And the sugar mixture? Also just enough. This was true even though I didn't have a perfectly rolled rectangle of dough. And I didn't bother to trim the ends to make even-sized rolls. And I omitted the nuts. Guess what? Still delicious. Oh, and I used my coconut milk (if you've never tried this on cereal, do it now! 😁) instead of buttermilk for the glaze. Also fine. 👍

Ok, my next two entries should be the ones I actually planned to write...


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