Sunday bakes

Okay, technically it was a Saturday bake but I didn't eat any 'til this morning: Paleo Banana Bread. Have I gone Paleo? No, I'm not a fan of sticking to any one diet in particular. I just had plenty of bananas and coconut flour, so what else was I to do? 😉

If you've never baked with coconut flour I will say that it has a little bit of an aftertaste. Barely detectable, but it's there. And the end result can be a bit drier than baking with regular flour. But otherwise, it tasted just like banana bread. I swapped out peanut butter for the almond butter--because I just made granola bars with almond butter and I like to rotate--and didn't even taste it. Smelled it when slicing the bread, yes, but no taste. And I love the combination of peanut butter and bananas. I may have to try spreading some on a slice next time.

One prep note: make sure you really whisk in those eggs. I had a few splotches of baked egg white on top of my bread. Yes, it's less photogenic, but it doesn't affect the flavor.

In case you're wondering I have at least two cereal reviews coming up. Possibly more.😁


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