review: *new* Cheerios Oat Crunch -- Cinnamon

Now that I know it's not  "Cheerios Cinnamon Oat Crunch" I'm guessing the order of descriptors means there could be another flavor in the future. Maybe peanut butter? (Yes, I still miss Peanut Butter Multi-Grain Cheerios!)

Anyway. I don't know why I thought I wouldn't like this new Cheerios. Something about it just seemed extra-sweet, like it had way too thick of a coating, trying to get kids to eat Multi-Grain Cheerios. But that's not the case at all. Of course you know how much I love cinnamon, so that may have helped. So it's basically a bunch of Multi-Grain Cheerios coated in cinnamon and then rolled around in some tiny bits of oats. That's different; I suppose oat clusters are getting kind of tired.

That said, I still wouldn't eat a whole bowl of this--it's just the perfect topper to jazz up something a bit more plain.


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