apples, apples everywhere

(Also oats.)

So how did I manage to pack three apple recipes into a ten-day period? Total coincidence. I started with these Apple Carrot Muffins two Sundays ago as a way to up my oat intake in advance of Thanksgiving. Also, I wanted a somewhat healthy muffin. Yeah, I still did the glaze😜 but not on all the muffins since I froze some. If you like a hearty muffin with good stuff in it, try this one. πŸ‘

Next came my birthday cake, which I actually picked out months ago. This was one of my rare traveling on Thanksgiving years, so of course I was going to tote along my birthday cake (you thought I'd bring a birthday pie? πŸ˜‰). I chose this Apple Crumb Cake because it was almost pie-ish, like an apple crumble pie with a super-thick bottom crust. The only thing I changed was to make half of the crumbs because it was just so much butter (actually, two things. I also subbed oats for the pecans). Sure, you only get one birthday cake a year, but I didn't know what sides and desserts I'd be eating--multiple times--as well. Also, put some vanilla ice cream on this. So good.

Finally, yesterday I made these Whole Wheat Apple Oatmeal Cookies because I always make oatmeal cookies after a trip while my stomach is straightening itself out. And I peanut butter-glazed half of them. I can't explain why the combination of peanut butter and apples works in a cookie, but it does. Wait a minute...peanut butter...and apples. Well, now it's obvious. It wasn't when I was rough drafting this entry last night. 😝

(And lest you think I've only been getting my oats for dessert, I also had these Banana Bread Overnight Oats yesterday. Almond butter might be my new favorite drizzle.)

At the moment I have three cereals waiting to be opened/reviewed, so I'll try to focus on those next month!


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