review: *new* Blueberry Cheerios

Okay, so it was new two months ago when I bought it to hold to for my brother. Now that he's back, he's wrecking it. I figured I'd better get a taste before he polished off the box. Why not just buy my own? Well...

Let's just review: first, the sniff test. Whoa. That is robust. Seriously. There's no doubt what that flavor's supposed to be. I feel like the blueberry scent neutralized my taste buds--that's how overpowering it was to me. And the weirdest thing is, I love blueberries! I just made these Blueberry Pie Bars for the Fourth and I'm about to make this Blueberry Bread this weekend. But this Blueberry Cheerios was just too much for me. I prefer the flavor variety of Very Berry Cheerios. I know; I surprised myself.😕


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