life is a peach and then you pie (and cookie)

As peach season was winding down I thought this should finally be the summer I try my hand at peach pie. Not any of the peach-berry combos I've made over the years. Not my mom's favorite Peach-Mango. Just peaches. Peaches and pie crust. Not even a crumble to disguise any faults. So I made this Peach Pie from Eating Well. And okay, I didn't make the pie crust from scratch. Next time. Still, who could turn down a pie that looks like this?

I could have used one more peach, but no matter. We ate it.

And two weeks later, because I wasn't quite ready to let go of the peaches, I made these Peach Pie Oatmeal Cookies. And then forgot to take a picture. You know how it is after a trip, trying to get back into your daily rhythms--then I add baking to my tasks for the day. So these cookies: again, I could've used more peach chunks, or at least cut them smaller, but when you get a bite of everything it really does taste like peach pie.👍


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