review: Berry Vanilla Puffs

Adult-tested; brother-approved. 👍

Next in my ongoing series "Cascadian Farm cereals I haven't gotten around to trying yet" is Berry Vanilla Puffs. I thought I'd try them while my brother was home since they reminded me of Berry Berry Kix (a cereal he used to love). In this particular bag the puffs seemed a little dry and not quite puffy enough; also they were smaller than I expected. They had a nice vanilla flavor but I couldn't pick up on any "berry." I happened to read the ingredients label right before typing this up and guess what? There's no berry. None. There's "natural flavor" but what's that supposed to mean? I guess "Berry-Colored Vanilla Puffs" doesn't have quite the same ring to it.

My brother enjoyed it, though. He doesn't eat cereal much anymore so that's saying something. 😁


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