review: Wegmans Fall Harvest

 *cracks knuckles, starts typing*

It's been a while since I wrote a review; let's see if I remember how to do this. 😄

If I had to sum it up, I'd say this is basically a multigrain Honey Bunches of Oats. Although Honey Bunches of Oats is also technically a cereal with more than one grain...hey, I said it's been a while.

So, some honeys are light and sweet, others more robust, and some, honestly, taste like honey-flavored sugar. This sweetener just tastes like honey. What? It's cane sugar? Have my taste buds been off all this time? Well, anyway, my point is that everything here tastes natural. The sweet flavor doesn't taste like it was created in a lab. The oat clusters taste like oats. The dried cranberries have a nice chew--not too dried out, not sugar-sticky. You might not be a fan of the flat, thick flakes, but that's what happens when you start pressing grains together. I can't figure out if the little flecks on the flakes are rice or oat but that doesn't take away from the experience.

No wonder Wegmans was almost out of this; it must be a big seller.


Next up: another cereal review. No, really!


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