review: Life -- original

 I want to tell you a story. About the meaning of Life.

Ok, not like that. But way back when, in the days of only one flavor (which I could've sworn was called "Brown Sugar" at some point), I had Life for the first time. Picture, if you will, a foreign country: new city, new school, temporary living situation. My dad was already there for work and we joined him a month later. So, first day of school, we're already a week late, I have to ride the bus, and--worst of all--it's middle school. So it would be nice to have something comforting, something familiar. But no. The only cereal my dad has in the kitchen is Life. Life!

If you've ever read this blog, you should know about all the sugary cereals I ate as a kid. How could my dad not know to have Apple Jacks or Cinnamon Toast Crunch or Alpha-Bits or anything for us? 😄 No, he bought Life. Obviously we had to eat it. That was my first experience with those woven squares (of oat? It's "multigrain" now but I swear it was oats back then), the rough texture, the hard crystals of sugar. And the aftertaste. Oh, that weird aftertaste. I don't think I had Life again for ten (or more) years, when they came out with Honey Graham Life.

Now back to today. Life doesn't have that aftertaste anymore--is it a change in grains? In sweeteners?--and I eat it more regularly. I still don't know how I managed to miss reviewing this, though.


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