review: *limited edition* Strawberry Banana Cheerios

 It's that time of year when General Mills drops a new Cheerios on an unsuspecting public 😉.

I just found out about this over the weekend, bought it yesterday, opened it this morning. Strawberry and banana: a combination that makes perfect sense. The "Happy Hearts" aren't really necessary, but go ahead.

Sniff test: Primarily strawberry. Unsurprising. Banana isn't really that much of an impactful scent, is it? Not unless you add a bunch of spices and call it "banana bread." Now there's an idea. Anyway, taste test. The strawberry, again, was prominent. The banana pieces mostly tasted like a sweetened piece of regular Cheerios (this is an oat cereal, by the way. I should've mentioned that). Maybe there was a hint of banana.

All in all, an unobjectionable cereal. I would have preferred more of a balance between the two fruit flavors, but you know what? I'll just top it with some banana slices next time.

Also: there's more new General Mills products coming. I probably won't find them until January, though.


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