review: *relaunched* Honey Bunches of Oats -- Cinnamon Bunches

 They're back and bunchier than ever.

This is one of those cereals I kept procrastinating on trying, to the point where they were discontinued before I had the chance (and why? I mean, it's cinnamon). Thankfully it's back so I jumped at the opportunity.

Sniff test: The inside of the bag smelled like a cinnamon roll. It's that deep, earthy cinnamon, not too artificial, not too sugary. Visual: the granola bunches were kind of crumbly. I would've liked something bigger. Taste: slightly disappointing. Don't get me wrong, they're good; I just wanted more. The flavor was somehow not as strong as the scent. Maybe the flakes could've used some cinnamon, too.


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