review: *limited edition* Banana Caramel Cheerios

 I don't why General Mills decided to release two new Cheerios at once but this one said "limited edition" so I had to try it first 😉

I thought the flavors would be blended, but upon opening the bag I saw that there were clearly two different Cheerios. One was kind of orange-y, the other I would call "default" like Honey Nut Cheerios. Remember the original Banana Nut Cheerios (not the reboot)? They were too big and too corn-y. And too chewy. This is not that.

Taste: I tried an orange piece first--this was clearly the caramel. The caramel scent was predominant here. The neutral-colored was, obviously, the banana. Very underwhelming. It took a few bites to get to it, but I found the flavor. So while I would've preferred a stronger banana flavor this is still good.


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