review: Special K -- Fruit & Yogurt

 I can't believe after all this time I haven't reviewed this one.

I think what happened is that I tried it and didn't like it well before I started this blog. But what's not to like? Let's review.

So it's a basic Special K wheat-and-rice flake (are any of them just rice anymore?) and two kinds of clusters. A perfunctory sniff reveals hints of marshmallow. There must be a lot of yogurt clusters in here.

Upon pouring it wasn't as many clusters as I thought. Perhaps they're all in the bottom of the bag. Also, I wouldn't really call them clusters. They're more like little bits. The oat and fruit clusters barely had any fruit, but they did have plenty of "fruit" flavor. The yogurt clusters had a little more crunch to them.

I'm assuming--well, hoping--this cereal has improved over the years because it's really not that bad. It could be better though. I just wanted more of everything. More fruit, more clusters, bigger clusters. If they just mixed Special K Blueberry with the Red Berries and then added clusters to that, it would be amazing.


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